We don’t think making a scene is bad. In fact, we enjoy it! From scenes to wreaths to beautiful trees, Phillip’s Interior Plants & Displays is Chicagoland’s resource for commercial interior holiday decorating! Find your scene today!Contact us for...
For many years, we have had the privilege of decorating the iconic Chicago Board of Trade Building’s exterior. We are honored to give Agriculture, Industry, and the stunning art deco fountain that sits behind them some holiday flair. And don’t let our name...
The judges at the International Plantscape Awards, held earlier this year at the Tropical Plant International Expo, gave us a Platinum award for our submission in the Atrium category. The judges were impressed by our thoughtful redesign of this three-story open air...
Can’t watch the video right now? Scroll below to learn about the basics of this one-of-a-kind project! Hey, everyone! Today we’re going to show you the biggest terrarium we’ve ever seen and tell you a...
This creative University of Illinois BFA grad has worked from home via dial-up (wow, just wow!), managed the admissions ticket counter at the Sears (will it ever really be Willis?) Tower, and now gives her insights on an issue of timing. You hold a Bachelor of...
Phillip’s Team Member Lori Talks Butterfly Gardens, Native Plants, Patience, and Gardening with Kids Why did you create a butterfly garden (also known as a pollinator garden) at your home? I recognized the importance of creating a habitat for pollinators using...